The rheumatologist is a doctor who is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of diseases of joints and connecting tissues. Complaints about pain in the joints or spine could be a reason to sign up for a consultation with a rheumatologist. A therapist and other doctors who have found alarming symptoms for consultation, which are specific to the rheumatology, can refer to this specialist.
Symptoms which can lead you for signing up for a consultation of a rheumatologist in Sumy
People are interested in the questions: “What to do with joint pain?”. To which specialist to turn? “What is the rheumatologist doing?”. Sumy can call the register of the clinic “Eledia,” where you will be registered with the specialist. In particular, if you have clear symptoms of rheumatological diseases, you can safely go with these complaints to the rheumatologist.
Such symptoms include:
- Joint pain;
- Crunching in joints;
- Swelling, which localizes in the area of knee joint, foot, wrist;
- Redness near joints and temperature rise in this area;
- Morning swelling and joint stiffness;
- Transmitted infectious diseases and chronic diseases, in particular: angina, tonsillitis, prolonged increase of body temperature.
What diagnostic examination are used in the diagnosis of rheumatological diseases?
A rheumatologist in Sumy can prescribe a number of mandatory diagnostic studies that will help identify your problem and rather start treatment.
Depending on your complaints, you will need to:
- General blood test;
- Biochemical blood analysis;
- Ultrasonography of joints;
- CT.
You have the opportunity to do all the necessary tests in “Eledia” and get the result on the same day. Your own laboratory allows you to quickly identify the cause of your ill-health and to take measures to solve it rather.
Sign up for a consultation with a rheumatologist in Sumy and start a new life! Life without joint pain!