The therapist it’s a doctor who is engaged in searching of interrelations between complaints of the patient and possible diseases. Usually a therapist is treated with respiratory diseases (ARVI), so people traditionally go to him only when they are concerned about fever, coughing, pain in the throat. However, you need to sign up for a consultation with a therapist when any concerns about your health arise. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive collection of all complaints, appoint a number of mandatory diagnostic measures, which are necessary in your case, as well as send to specialized specialists.
With which symptoms should you sign up for a consultation with a therapist in Sumy?
The therapist is treated with any complaints that relate to cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, neurological, urinary, respiratory, blood systems. But not every person knows what area his problems relate to. So if there are a number of symptoms, you need to sign up for a therapist.
Such symptoms include:
- sleepiness or insomnia;
- headaches;
- constant fatigue and apathy;
- elevated body temperature with no apparent cause;
- condition of depression;
- forgetfulness;
- hypostases;
- joint pain;
- dizzinesses;
- abdominal pain;
- chest pain;
- blood in kale, urine;
- numb the limb, etc.
How will the therapist examinate you? Which diagnostic procedures does he prescribe?
Examination at the therapist begins with measurement of blood pressure and body temperature, examination of the patient’s outpatient map, with examination of complaints. The therapist can also propalp the stomach, listen to the lungs, look at the throat (depending on the complaints). If the doctor has noticed any relationship, he gives direction to narrow-profile specialists.
The therapist may also prescribe such diagnostic methods:
- Pass a general blood test;
- Perform urine analysis;
- Make ultrasound of abdominal cavity or organs of small pelvis;
- to make the ECG.
Remember, no matter what organ you get sick, first of all, you need a therapist! Sums can sign up at any convenient time to consult this specialist to draw up the correct treatment and diagnosis plan.
The therapist in Sumy at Eledia Medical Center will give you maximum attention and deal with the health problems that concern you. Call our medical center and sign up for a consultation! Don ‘t delay your visit to the therapist tomorrow!