Sumy, st. Danila Galitsky, 39
Working hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 19:00
Sat: 9:00 - 15:00

It’s important for every girl and woman to find a good specialist she trust. But it’s turned out that the gynecological examination causes more fears than trust. That’s caused with  threatening atmosphere in usual clinic, uncomfortable armchairs and unwelcome doctors. All of these reasons form the fear which accompanies almost every gynecological examination.

Sumy have the opportunity to sign up for an appointment at the private clinic “Eledia,” where for an affordable price you will get maximum comfort.

Who ‘s a gynecologist? How many times a year does it have to be visited?

A gynecologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the female reproductive system. To this doctor women put forward enough demands, which concern not only professionalism, but also human qualities. And that ‘s okay! In the clinic “Eledia” in Sumy for you there are real professionals who make the examination comfortable for a girl or a woman.

Traditionally, a gynecologist is visited 1-2 times a year if there are no complaints. If there are any complaints within a year, you should immediately sign up for a consultation. Alarming symptoms worth paying attention to include:

  • Menstrual cycle problems;
  • Compaction in mammary glands;
  • The appearance of painful feelings at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • Appearance of specific excretions;
  • Problems with child conception.

It should also be understood that when planning a pregnancy, it is also necessary to visit a gynecologist. It is important to pass a number of tests that will show the state of your health to date.

Why is it important to contact a gynecologist in a timely manner?

Many diseases of gynecological nature are very easy to “launch.” Ignoring regular examination once a year-six months, you may not detect a progressive disease in a timely manner: cervical erosion, ovarian brush, hormonal failure. All this in the future can have irreversible consequences that you don ‘t even think about.

You don ‘t have to be afraid to visit a doctor! Consulting a gynecologist in Sumy, in “Eledia,” will prove to you that all gynecological examinations can be comfortable. Availability of own diagnostic laboratory, allows to quickly carry out examinations. We can give blood to hormones, make ultrasound of a small pelvis. You don ‘t have to run from clinic to clinic! “Eledia” has everything for convenient examinations and treatment.

Women, keep your health! The health of your future children depends on it!

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