What is massage? Everyone considers this to be nothing more than a relaxing procedure, but in fact massage is often used as one of the methods of comprehensive treatment or prevention of a number of diseases. In some cases massages are used to get rid of muscle tension, improve blood circulation and lymphoedema, and affect overall skin condition. The effect of the procedure depends on the kind and technique of massage. In the clinic “Eledia” in Sumy you have the opportunity to use the services of a masseur, before consulting with a doctor, and choosing the right kind of massage for yourself
Classical massage
Classical general massage ‒ is massage which is used quite often in such cases: for recovering from injuries and diseases, for prevention of many diseases, for maintenance of the general tone of an organism. The classic massage in Sumy in the clinic “Eledia” lasts about 90 minutes. During this period of time the masseur manages to work the whole body.
How many times should you visit a masseur to get the most out of the treatments? It is recommended periodically, time in 3-4 months, to take a course of massages, namely ‒ 10-12 times.
What favourable changes should be expected? Your general well-being will improve, slags will be removed, immunity will increase, skin condition will improve, a positive impact on the nervous system will be felt (sleep conditions will be established, tension will pass, vessel work will normalize).
How much does a classic massage cost? The price of massage in the clinic “Eledia” is moderate and available to everyone. In the “Prices” section you can find all the information you are interested in.
The weakening massage
The weakening massage ‒ rescue for all who are constantly loaded at work spends much time at the computer or driving, suffers from the muscular tension, headaches, chronic fatigue and emotional burning out. The course of relaxing massage in some cases is prescribed by the therapist for preventive purposes, and in some cases the person himself can turn to the masseur. Relaxing massage can activate blood circulation and operation of lymphatic system, clean up metabolic processes, normalize blood pressure and relieve muscle severity.
In order to feel the effectiveness of relaxing massage, it is necessary to take a course of sessions. Many are frightened by the price of massage in Sumy, but in the clinic “Eledia” available prices. The professionalism of our masseurs will help you to cope with the problems of general well-being.
Massage neck-collared zones
Prevention of a number of diseases: neuralgia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, salt deposit formation and spatula adhesions. Cervical course collar massage allows to cope with pain sensations, with headaches and general ill feeling.
How is the massage of the neck-collar zone done? It should be noted that his type of massage should be performed by highly qualified specialist, since during the procedure the active points of an organism. Massage involves exposure to neck and back. It’s main goal ‒ to liquidate pain in this area, to provide blood flow to the head.
Lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage massage ‒ unique massage equipment, which helps to remove all excess liquid from body tissues, strengthen immunity, reduce body volumes, improve blood circulation and condition skin. Lymphodraining massage in Sumy, the price for which is quite available, it is better to make courses of 10-12 sessions. So you can feel the maximum effect of the procedure.
Anti-cellulite massage
Anti-cellulite massage ‒ one of complex methods in fight for slim body. This massage technique can improve blood circulation in problematic areas of skin, improves secretion of lymph. Condition of skin significantly improved, especially after the course of anti-cellulite massage in 10-12 sessions. Are you going to choose a specialist for anti-cellulite massage performing? Sumy chooses Eledia Clinic! At us you can get only a competent approach and maximum results!
Post-traumatic massage
Post-traumatic massage ‒ effective remedy which is used in recovery therapy after various types of injuries: joint stretches, dislocations, sports injuries. ‒ to provide the purpose of procedures /Blood and oxygen flow to injured joint, organ, connectivetissues. It allows you to recover faster, reduce pain symptoms,to speed up muscle work. In the clinic “Eledia” you have the opportunity sign up for a post-traumatic massage in Sumy.
Reflexogenic massage
Reflexogenic massage ‒ unique technology of influence on active biological points, which are located on hands, feet legs and all over the body. By mechanical action on these points, stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, improvement of generalWell-being, the body is purified from slags, immunity is increased.
Massage of triggering points
Triggering points ‒ it is sites in skeletal muscles human organisms that arise from impaired blood supply,overstrain of muscles. Permanent sitting position, posture violation and scoliosis ‒ leads all this to back pains, and often carry them to Manifestations of osteochondrosis, but this disease may not be the case, astrigger points are formed.
Triggering point in itself ‒ this small consolidation, Resembling a pea that appears in a thicket of muscle tissues. It compaction shortens muscle fiber, which in turn causes pain, disturbed circulation and oxygen starvation nearby tissues.
In clinic”Eledia” you have an opportunity to have a massage of triggering points in Sumy and overcome the pain that has been you for so long disturbed.