People wrongly believe that endocrine diseases occur only in adulthood. But in fact, endocrine problems are increasingly being diagnosed in early childhood children, adolescents and young men. There may be many causes: congenital pathologies, genetic factors, disorders of the body ‘s metabolic processes. In any case, as soon as parents or pediatrician notice deviations from the norms that relate to the endocrine system, it is necessary to sign up for consultation with a children ‘s endocrinologist.
Who is a children’s endocrinologist?
A children’s endocrinologist is a doctor who studies the pathological conditions of endocrine gland functioning, as well as performs diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, which are related to the sexual development and growth of children and adolescents.
In particular, a children’s endocrinologist in Sumy is engaged in the treatment of such diseases:
- Childhood obesity or too little weight;
- Delayed growth or vice versa accelerated growth;
- Premature puberty, or vice versa, its delay;
- Kidney and adrenal diseases;
- Pancreatic diseases;
- Diabetes mellitus, etc.
With which symptoms should you take your child to a children’s endocrinologist in Sumy?
It is worth to sign up a child to an endocrinologist in such cases:
- The baby has relatives who suffer from congenital diabetes;
- Newborn birth weight was more than 4 kilograms;
- The child very quickly adds weight, though it respects moderation in food;
- A girl aged 13 has no secondary sexual signs;
- The boy of 9 years has no secondary sexual signs;
- A child aged 7-8 has early manifestations of puberty;
- Increase of thyroid gland;
- slackness;
- Hair loss and nail breakage, etc.
Once you have noticed at least one of the above symptoms after your child, rather sign up for a consultation with a children’s endocrinologist! In Sumy you have the opportunity to consult with a competent specialist at the Eledia Clinic. The doctor will examine your child and also prescribe a number of necessary diagnostic procedures.
Don’t waste time when your baby’s health depends on that!